An afternoon with Mollie, a session through The Gold Hope Project

“It’s so beautiful. It’s just so beautiful!”

Feet walking through gold confetti hearts on the ground

Those were the words that Mollie said over and over as we made our way through the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Her joy was contagious and inspiring as she looked at every flower and tree with wonder. Mollie was diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2016.

September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, so I thought it was an appropriate time to share this session I did with The Gold Hope Project, an organization that aims to aid research for rare pediatric brain cancer while raising awareness through photography.

Before I started volunteering with The Gold Hope Project, I did not realize that childhood cancer affects 40,000 kids in the US every year and that less than 4% of the National Cancer Institutes’ annual budget is accounted for childhood cancer research. Non profit organizations work to provide more funding, but more has got to be done for these children who have their entire lives ahead of them.

I really can not imagine what these children and their families experience as they fight through treatment and fight for a cure. Please go gold for the month of September and consider what you can do to help. Spread the word about The Gold Hope Project, donate a session, become a volunteer photographer, send a note of encouragement to a family affected by cancer. There are many ways to raise awareness. It matters.

A girl looks up at her mother while her mother tucks her hair behind her ear
a girl touches her forehead onto some flowers and smiles
a girl climbs over rocks under a tree
a girl climbs through a tree
a big brother helps his lister sister down from a rock
two girls climb around rocks in a garden
a girl hugs her dad who rests his chin on her head
a girl smiles and holds a stuffed animal dog
a portrait of a stuffed animal
three children sitting down, a girl hugs her brother
a girl sits in a shower of gold confetti hearts