Celebrating the New Year with the Clark Family, Atlanta Documentary Family Photographer

You make me happy when skies are gray...


Yay for big families! Yay for folks who are up for a little playing in the rain! Yay for pizza parties! Yay for dance parties!

I got to photograph this crew last year (you can check it out here), and I was so excited to have the opportunity to document them again. I absolutely love sessions like this, when there are so many different interesting things going on, and everyone is mostly oblivious to me even being there. Most photographers would think I'm crazy for loving extended family sessions, but clearly they don't get to photograph the families that I get to photograph. 

image of the top of a door frame with the words magic house on top from documentary family session in atlanta
girl sitting on the top bunk of a bed in her bedroom from family documentary session in atlanta
children playing in bedroom with moody light from family documentary photography session in atlanta
image of boy halfway on bed with one sock on and one sock off from family documentary photography session in atlanta
baby sitting on the floor looking at camera from family documentary photography session in atlanta
baby covering boy's eye with hand while he looks away at another subject off camera from family documentary photography session in atlanta
image of feet climbing a counter with a baby in the background from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Baby looking up at her older cousin from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Baby puts her mouth on riding toy with brother watching from family documentary photography session in atlanta
dirty kid feet on a green velvet couch from a family documentary photography session in atlanta
Two older kids dancing with a baby in between them from a family documentary photography session in atlanta
Portrait of a little boy from a family documentary photography session in atlanta
three children playing in the living room from a family documentary photography session in atlanta
Boy sitting with a cookie as a baby points at it and a dog looks at it from a family documentary photography session in atlanta
boy plays with blinds during family documentary photography session in atlanta
Baby pokes her finger in a woman's eye from a family documentary photography session in atlanta
three kids making pizza from a family documentary photography session in atlanta
Woman holding baby up towards the ceiling from family documentary photography session in atlanta
family playing in the living room with baby on the floor looking at the camera from family documentary photography session in atlanta
baby slipping off riding toy and being helped by her mother from family documentary photography session atlanta
boy taking a big drink out of a red sippy cup from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Boy hugging mom and holding onto baby's foot while mom holds baby from family documentary photography session in atlanta
little boy's feet dangling over the edge of the counter from family documentary photography session in atlanta
mothers feeding their babies from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Husband and wife look at each other while a lot of different activity happens in the kitchen from a family documentary photography session in atlanta
baby stops and looks at the camera while mom feeds the baby from family documentary photography session in atlanta
boy puts his hands up like "so big" while at the table eating from family documentary photography session in atlanta
kids dancing in the kitchen from family documentary photography session in atlanta
kids dancing in the kitchen from family documentary photography session in atlanta
baby dancing in the kitchen from family documentary photography session in atlanta
kids dancing in the living room from family documentary photography session in atlanta
boy plays with toy on the couch during family documentary photography session in atlanta
mom nursing baby while son plays in foreground from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Boy under a table playing with a toy from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Children with rainboots and umbrellas take a walk in the rain from family documentary photography session in atlanta
boys in red raincoats put out their umbrellas on the sidewalk during family documentary photography session in atlanta
Son leads the way with umbrella as father crouches behind him from family documentary photography session in atlanta
boy jumps in puddles in the rain from family documentary photography session in atlanta
mother holding baby under an umbrella held by dad from family documentary photography session in atlanta
mom pulls on baby's coat while dad looks at the camera from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Brothers in rainboots and rainjackets balance in the rain from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Girl holding umbrella hiding underneath it from family documentary photography session in atlanta
man holds umbrella for mother and her baby in the rain from family documentary photography session in atlanta
reflection of boy and girl standing by a puddle from family documentary photography session in atlanta
Family walks back home in the rain from family documentary photography session in atlanta