Mini Mischief's Spring/Summer Collection
It's Spring, which means a new collection of clothing at Mini Mischief. We braved taking all the kids out in public for this photo shoot, and not only was it fun for the kids, but it was also wildly entertaining to anyone who happened to see us. I absolutely love photographing these kids, and I fully stand behind Mini Mischief's quality clothes meant for kids who like to play hard and have a good time. Check out all the new pieces here, and if you are local, you can see them temporarily at Coco + Mischa in Decatur, GA, where you can also check out a curated vintage section as well as a thoughtful collection of goods from local artisans.
Also, I’m taking part in a blog circle this month with some photographer friends of mine. We’re linking to each other’s posts, so you can check out what they’re up to. I've included more information about the blog circle at the bottom of the post.
For this month's blog circle, I’m linking to Emily Hamson of Lavender Lime Photography who’s sharing a super informative online Photoshop tutorial on how to add sun flare in Photoshop. While you're at her site, check out her Creative Photography Challenge too and make sure to link around to all the other photographers in the circle.